MMTryon: Multi-Modal Multi-Reference Control for High-Quality Fashion Generation

Sun Yat-Sen University,ByteDance,Tsinghua University, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
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*Indicates Equal Contribution

Aliquam vitae elit ullamcorper tellus egestas pellentesque. Ut lacus tellus, maximus vel lectus at, placerat pretium mi. Maecenas dignissim tincidunt vestibulum. Sed consequat hendrerit nisl ut maximus.


This paper introduces MMTryon, a multi-modal multi-reference VIrtual Try-ON (VITON) framework, which can generate high-quality compositional try-on results by taking as inputs a text instruction and multiple garment images. Our MMTryon mainly addresses two problems overlooked in prior literature: 1) \textbf{Support of multiple try-on items and dressing style} Existing methods are commonly designed for single-item try-on tasks (e.g., upper/lower garments, dresses) and fall short on customizing dressing styles (e.g., zipped/unzipped, tuck-in/tuck-out, etc.) 2) \textbf{Segmentation Dependency}. They further heavily rely on category-specific segmentation models to identify the replacement regions, with segmentation errors directly leading to significant artifacts in the try-on results. For the first issue, our MMTryon introduces a novel multi-modality and multi-reference attention mechanism to combine the garment information from reference images and dressing-style information from text instructions. Besides, to remove the segmentation dependency, MMTryon uses a parsing-free garment encoder and leverages a novel scalable data generation pipeline to convert existing VITON datasets to a form that allows MMTryon to be trained without requiring any explicit segmentation. Extensive experiments on high-resolution benchmarks and in-the-wild test sets demonstrate MMTryon's superiority over existing SOTA methods both qualitatively and quantitatively. Besides, MMTryon's impressive performance on multi-items and style-controllable virtual try-on scenarios and its ability to try on any outfit in a large variety of scenarios from any source image, opens up a new avenue for future investigation in the fashion community.


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